Congratulations to Dr. Gureghian, Garden Academy Clinical Director, for the publication of her book chapter...
Garden Academy’s Executive Director, Dr. Laura Grow, BCBA-D, Principal Emily Mahon, BCBA, and Classroom BCBAs Taylor Custer, BCBA and Rafaella Gashi, BCBA presented a webinar on Supporting Individuals With Autism During Routine Disruptions. This webinar is available free and on demand, but registration is required. You can register to view this webinar at any time here.
Our Senior Leadership team and BCBAs are incredibly active participants in the field of behavior analysis. Even in a year as busy as 2020, six members of our staff have been published this year, with some being published multiple times! Read on to find out more about their research…
We interviewed Garden Academy staff member Sean Yocum about his seven years of service at Garden Academy and got to know more about what made him decide to go into the field of autism education, his studies for his Master’s degree program, and his experience with group supervision at Garden Academy.
Taylor Custer, BCBA, Garden Academy’s Classroom Trainer in Classroom A2, was recently published for her work on “Outcomes of a practical approach for improving conversation skills in adults with autism” in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Samantha Breeman, BCBA, Garden Academy’s Classroom Trainer in Classroom C, recently had her Master’s thesis, titled The effects of procedural integrity errors during auditory–visual conditional discrimination training: A preliminary investigation published in Behavioral Interventions. Dr. Laura Grow, Garden Academy’s Executive Director, served as a co-author.
Congratulations to Dr. Gureghian, Garden Academy Clinical Director, for the publication of her book chapter...